Northeastern University renames College of Business Administration

Richard D’Amore and Alan McKim

Following a $60 million philanthropic investment Northeastern University renamed the College of Business Administration. Alumni Richard D’Amore and Alan McKim have made the largest gift in the University’s history to endow the newly named D’Amore-McKim School of Business. Established in 1922 as the School of Business Administration, the D’Amore-McKim School of Business is; 4th ranked among “America’s Most Entrepreneurial Campuses” (Forbes), 5th in the world for contributions to the field of innovation management (The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2012), and among the top MBA programs (Bloomberg Businessweek), and holds many other distinctions and recognitions. The School of Technological Entrepreneurship, where I received my Master of Science degree is part of the D’Amore-McKim School of Business. To read more about the naming event go to the announcement page at

About J. O. Gok

I am a multilingual professional with a degree in engineering and two graduate degrees including an MBA. I love science fiction, history, photography, good food, good coffee, art history and a lot more...
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